LegalEra Leading Lawyers Rankings 2024-2025 are out and yet again our distinguished lawyers have been recognised for different practice areas.
We are pleased to share with you all that the 9 lawyers from different practice areas have been recognised by LegalEra.
Leading Lawyers Champions recognised are:
Managing Partner, Harry Chawla for Banking & Finance and Real Estate.
Partner, Karan Mitroo for Banking & Finance and Projects & Energy.
Partner, Nishant Singh for Banking & Finance; and
Partner, Ritu Bhalla for Dispute Resolution.
Leading Lawyers recognised are:
Partner, Deepak Kumar Thakur for Project and Energy.
Partner, Girish Rawat for Banking & Finance and Projects & Energy.
Partner, G.R. Bhatia for Antitrust and Competition
Partner, Niti Paul for Private Equity; and
Partner, Sanjeev Sachdeva for Tax.