The live performance by 60 artists dived into the war of Kurukshetra in a grand ‘Broadway Style’ theatrical production, ‘18 Days – Dusk of an Era’ curated by Prabhat Arts International at the Kamani Auditorium – India.
The evening saw ministers, diplomats, dignitaries, and legal luminaries in full attendance gracing the occasion and witnessing the unfurling of various events in the 18 Days of Kurukshetra War through a mix of martial arts, classical dance forms, levitation techniques, animation and music.
Founder & Managing Partner Rajiv K Luthra encouraged and promoted the country’s rich culture. The evening was escalated to greater heights by Chief Guest – Ms. Meenakshi Lekhi (Minister of State for Culture of India), Guest of Honour – Sadhguru JV. Mr. Charu Sharma in his unique style mastered the ceremony.