Luthra and Luthra


+91 11 4121 5100


Varun comes with over a decade of experience in M&A, private equity and general corporate advisory. Varun’s involvement in various transactions help both the investors as well as the target company navigate a very uncertain regulatory environment and close large investment rounds. He has played instrumental role in bringing clarity on certain grey areas of the regulatory framework, for instance, surrounding restructuring of such ECB Loans. His insights and legal advisory on transactions in relation to private acquisitions of assets during ongoing insolvency of the asset owner’s group companies has been incredible. Varun’s approach towards solving client’s problem is one of his strongest forte. He brings solution-oriented mind set to the table, helping client navigate the transactions in the most reasonable and timely manner and simultaneously creating space for his team to learn, adapt and grow into an even better professional

Experience Statement

  • Advised IFFCO and reviewed financing documentations and corresponding amendments thereto, arising out of the restructuring of the credit facilities amounting to USD 850 Million availed of by IFFCO’s foreign subsidiary i.e. Jordan India Fertilizer Company.
  • Advised a leading real estate company on the resolution and eventual acquisition of a landowning company owning 110 Acres of land valued at over USD 140.5 Million under the pre-packaged insolvency regime.
  • Advised M3M India Private Limited (M3M) on INR 900 Crore debt infusion by Oaktree Capital through subscription to NCDs.
  • Advised Apollo Hospitals in its INR 450 Crore hospital asset acquisition in Gurugram, Haryana.
  • Advised by Kunshan Q Tech Microelectronics (India) Private (QTech) Limited on USD 20 Million external commercial borrowings (ECB).
Bar Enrolment
  • Bar Council of Delhi

Bar Memberships

  • Delhi High Court Bar Association
  • Inter-Pacific Bar Association
  • International Bar Association


  • B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) – NALSAR Hyderabad
  • MSc. Law and Finance (Oxon) – University of Oxford

Awards / Recognition

  • Recognized as one of the Top 100 Lawyers (below 10 years’) experience in Forbes Legal India Powerlist 2022.
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